Saturday, August 8, 2009

sticky toffee pudding wars

last night we had our much anticipated sicky toffee pudding war. i believe that we do a very good sticky toffee pudding but we were challenged to a taste-off by kate and dylan. last night they brought their version in and i have to say it was delicious. our version is light because it is my belief that at the end of the meal you are looking for something at that end of the spectrum not a rib-sticker. their version is a rib-sticker and i should say that both are vegan. the result was that we agreed that they were different versions of the same thing, i could certainly not say that ours was better, it wasn't, but i know i could finish my version.

it has also made me realise what the tea and biscuits reviewer meant when he suggested that our version had had all the flavour sucked from it. i don't agree with that but it is not the pudding that dylan made. for those of you who would like to see that version, the link is below.

Dylan's pudding

if you want to stop the sauce from splitting, use a small amount of xantham hum, too much and it'll be wall paper paste.

cheers and thanks to the family stewart


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